face moisturizer for women

As experts and learners about face moisturizer for women and face lotion for women at the same time, we feel that it is necessary from time to time to include a slightly scientific post. And we say slightly because we are well aware that too much information can be difficult to digest so to speak.
That leads us to today’s article. The first half of it will actually describe the layers of the skin, and how parts of it can be affected by your actions or inactions. We will try to keep this as simple as possible, providing only the essentials.
The latter half will then be on our expertise of face moisturizer for women and face lotion for women - or rather their ingredients. Hopefully by understanding both parts, you will be inspired to research more about your own skin type and eventually develop an effective skin care regimen that works for you.
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The first thing to note is that the organisation of our skin is designed in layers. You probably already know this basic fact. At the uppermost layer are dead cells. This is the body’s natural way of emitting waste products via the skin. This is important for the use of face moisturizer for women, which you can conclude later.
The most external layer is called the stratum corneum. They consist of skin cells called corneocytes which is held together with lipids, better known as fats. These corneocytes are actually dead cells; however, they are not completely useless, as they hold water.
Scientists have tested and concluded that if the outermost layer holds 10% water by volume, the skin will tend to be smooth. However, if that goes up to 20% or even 30%, it would be even better. That is why after a shower would be the best time to use various face moisturizer for women, while the system is still moist.
This, however, is not the only thing to be aware of. Scientists have found that the water that forms part of this layer actually controls enzymes, which then control the process of corneocyte shedding. Without getting too technical, this is called a feedback loop.
You see, if there is little water, more corneocytes will accumulate, and that ultimately results in the skin presenting itself as prone to shedding and flaky. Having more water will allow the dead skin to peel off in a more organic and pleasant manner.
So then what is the role of moisturizer? Contrary to popular belief, they don’t actually replace oil that is lost. Instead, it is about water retention. Of course, this is not to say that face moisturizer for women don’t contain compounds that are absorbed. Rather, this is a secondary useful function if you get the right product.
Now, then, let’s go through the common ingredients in face moisturizer for women and face lotion for women alike.Firstly, and most importantly, most moisturizers are actually full of water. While some water does vaporize when being applied, others don’t.
The next set of ingredients in face moisturizer for women are known as emolients. While these do not directly moisturize, they do make the skin feel smooth. Oily substances found in face moisturizer for women are known as occlusives. These simply block the vaporization of water. Most of them are waxy in texture.
At this point it is important to note that some substances can actually act as both emolients and occlusives at the same time. Some occlusives might include lecithin, lanolin, paraffin and various alcohols. Good, isn’t it?
Finally, humectants are compounds that can pull water into the upper layer of the skin from both deep within as well as externally from the air. As you can tell, these are the most important bits and most face moisturizer for women should have them.
Now, a bonus set of compounds in many brands of face moisturizer for women are vitamins. Not only are they enriching, they also serves aesthetic purposes of reducing wrinkles and fine lines on the surface of the skin, as well as provide other common combating of free radicals, much like the antioxidants in our diets.
As each face moisturizer for women is different, there most likely will be other ingredients in most of them, and they will invariably vary greatly. Hopefully this post has given you a deeper appreciation of face moisturizer for women and will shape your skincare regimen.